Monday, July 21, 2008

The Phoenix Zoo Experience

We are usually out of town on the weekends, but this weekend, we were asked to give talks during sacrament, so we needed to be home for sunday. When Saturday came along, we got everything we needed to get done by noon, and then were sitting with nothing to do so we decided that since it wasn't as hot as it usually is, (we thought that the 95 degrees would be harmless compared to the usual 110) that we would go to the zoo. This pic was taken right when we got there...


Lindsay said...

Hey Jess! It is so good to hear from you, I had no idea you were in phoenix, how fun. You look SO good by the way, I forgot how HOT you are! Now we can keep in touch a lot easier. Oh and thanks for the memories reminder...good times! haha I was such a brat I can't believe you hung out with me!