Monday, July 21, 2008

But the fun soon ended...

So the first 5 minutes of the zoo was awesome, but the freakin heat kept creeping up on me and by the time we saw our 3rd animal, I was done. I am not a big fan of heat unless I am near a cool body of water, and so those fake water ponds by the rhinos started looking mighty refreshing. We tried to cool off with some frozen lemonade...(which they conveniently ran out of) so we had to go with ice cream, which made me feel even more gross. Needless to say, we left the zoo about 45 minutes after arriving. Please just compare the "before" pic we took at the beginning, then this "after" pic we took as we got into the car to leave that dreadful place... I'm telling you...I was dying!


Ashley said...

You guys are so cute... :)