Friday, October 15, 2010

say "cheese!"...

Lately our little stinker has decided it's a good idea to put her messy, dirty hands in her hair EVERY time she eats. I'm talking...bits of pb&j, tofu, milk, eggs...anything you can think of. It's hard to get that stuff out!!!

While we were eating dinner last night, Sammie decided to take a few pics of Harlow and her avocado masterpiece. While taking pictures, we said, "! Say cheese!! Show Sammie your teeth!" All of the sudden it just clicked for her and she was posing with the CHEESIEST fake smiles! We were dying! She is such a ham, and every single smile was different from the last. She is such a crack up!


Brittny said...

oh I love it! such a fun crazy girlee!!! love those smiles:)